• Our Newest Females Piggies
    Everybody!! Meet Jewles and Peanut. They are Kune Kune females that are so sweet and playfull and full of life!! Stay tuned to follow their journey here at RFF as they grow!!
  • Muscovy's Incoming!!
    Well, we said no more ducks but then we had the chance to save 17 more ducks. They are a mix between male and female Muscovy ducks and they are absolutely beautiful. Their coloring is perfect and they even perch like little dinos lol
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New Duckies!!!

Hey yall! we got more ducks in yesterday and man are they cute. we took in 17 Muscovy ducks and they are fitting in nicely! We have only named three of them as of right now, so start thinking of names to give us to get them babies named!! We received a few males but mostly females so hopefully they will be less stressed as they get accustomed to their new home and start laying eggs for us to get to you guys asap. We will be posting pics of the babies on the page very soon!

Gilmanor 9/16/2023

Good day yall! We will be at gilmanor animal and craft market all day Saturday the 16th visiting partner buisness booths and friends booths. We are going to socialize and promote our farm. Which brings me to my next tpic! We will be handing out a card or flyer to who ever brings it up and if you scan the QR code it will tell you if you wont the sweepstakes or not!

Farmers Market 8/19/23

Good morning folks!!! If you are interested in a piglet or just want to come mingle with us, we will be at tractor supply in Mechanicsville around 10:30 am this morning with 5 piglets up for adoption. 50$ rehoming fee. They are potbelly Juliana mini pigs. The mom is 50/50 both breeds and their dad is pure Juliana. Mom is currently capped out at about 40 lbs. and the dad is approximately 30 to 35 lbs. The babies, if kept on the proper diet will grow to be about the size of a medium dog (like a beagle).


Pardon Our Dust

Welcome to our little farm! Right now we are still currently working to get everything set up to publish and show the world our farm! We have a mix of everything from ducks to donkeys and we couldnt be more happy. We started our farm in 2020 and slowly have built a great family. we will post videos, pictures, articles and news about the farm weekly when we finally get all set up.

Miss Molly May

Everyone! I would like to welcome our newest rescue. Her name is Molly and she is a total sweetheart, she likes to be alone from the other pigs and took over the giant igloo that none of the other pigs were using, When we got her she was really sad and wouldn't come up to us, However, its been a few weeks and she is fitting in nicely. she loves long walks behind the pens and spends most of her time by our youngest pig Nugget (the one we bottle fed int he house for 8 months getting her big and strong) Its easy to say that this 5 year old is full of sass and cuteness.

Our new babies!

Our new babies are settling in nicely! They are very adorable and cuddly as well. Both of these geuinie pigs are females. The black and white one is name Fluffy and the brown black and white one is Ruby!! Everyone give them a warm welcome as we introduce them into our farm and their forever home!



8-1-23 The Loss of the farm guardian

Today i say with a broken heart, our beloved donkey and farm guardian has passed away this morning after a battle with colic. he showd great signs of improving and had the medication  and care that he needed but it just wasn't enough. he passed away in his sleep in his favorited hidey hole in the back of our property. We will desperately miss Eeryor dearly and will forever miss him talking to us and the cute playtimes we had, Rest easy my baby boy, We will miss you