Miss Molly May


Everyone! I would like to welcome our newest rescue. Her name is Molly and she is a total sweetheart, she likes to be alone from the other pigs and took over the giant igloo that none of the other pigs were using, When we got her she was really sad and wouldn't come up to us, However, its been a few weeks and she is fitting in nicely. she loves long walks behind the pens and spends most of her time by our youngest pig Nugget (the one we bottle fed int he house for 8 months getting her big and strong) Its easy to say that this 5 year old is full of sass and cuteness. Her brother will be coming here soon so she will still have some of her family. The story of why her owners had to give her up was devastating and i wouldn't wish it on anyone. Im just glad light can come from the dark and they can visit her anytime.